Saturday, April 4, 2009


Yeah, gomen and all that for a fairly lengthy silence. Been more busy than I'd like to have been...

Hmm, what has happened since I last posted? I've been elected (narrowly xD) as the librarian for the Monash Roleplaying club, and discovered that not only are some books that were purchased at the end of last year already missing, but the inventory is in a shambles also. So, I'll be putting approximately 1500000% more effort into the position than I had originally intended...>.>

The Dantai is also booming; we've hit over twenty members now, and are pretty much above maximum capacity if I'm honest and agree with Hare sensei. My week has gotten a tad more hectic...a quarter of it spent in class, a quarter spent in charge of practice sessions, and a quarter sleeping...where the hell that last quarter has got to I dunno, but I want it back! >.<
We've only been able to teach two dances to the assorted members, because those who are working on learning and then teaching the others we intend to perform haven't done so yet *sweat drop* Basically I think that after mid sem break, practice time is either gonig to decrease exponentially or a whole handful of dances will be frantically taught. Either's good from my selfish view xP

Finally managed to hand in my first assignment for the year and was able to remember I'm a uni student the morning it was due. LOL...This means I actually have to get work done T.T More on this when I speak of MCAC camp.

Spending a bit more time at uni with the folk at Corner rather than just MCAC like last year. A good deal of this is a result of who I am rping with this semester (NO anime club members, so to socialise and form group bonds more effort is needed) and also because I've struck up a better friendship with a good handful of the MURPlings/Cornerites...or maybe it's just that they aren't all as scary as they were last year? =P At least one of them is planning something for my birthday...not hard to guess seeing as after finding out the date of it she said she has a new project called "Plan Phe"...of course, wanting to remain original I asked her to add a number onto the end so the project didn't try to usurp my identity xD

MCAC itself...hmm, not entirely sure what to say about it. With the large horde of newbies, and with one or two close friends avoiding the table and events like the plague seems to have resulted in me being relegated to "He's a senior member...let's leave him alone" *shrug* It seems that if you're not in the dantai or a spiffy committee position you are safe from having to communicate with Phe xD
On the plus side I'm enjoying the art of perving a whole lot more this semester, thanks to Seb and my rating discussions, and the inauguration of three juuhito, who are the only people he and I both agree are a rating 10 xD (Tuesday is the best day of the week; it's the day one of the juuhito works at Grain Express, so I can observe in spare time xD and the third juuhito is in one of my classes on Tuesday too! WIN!) I'm learning a fair bit about Seb through this too :D
MCAC camp is coming up soon. Few vehicles and heaps of attendees lol. baron Damien gets to drive a 'minibus' which is really just his glorified word for van :P and we joked around on the chat about me being a tour guide (initially with a P.A., but as Ash pointed out, I can be loud anyway...), which I must say is an idea I've warmed to, and would really enjoy giving a shot at...assuming I get rostered to travel via the van. We'll see how that turns out... I am certainly looking forward to camp; whilst I'm not going to the onsen, there will be much marshmallow munching whilst I frantically come up with two story ideas and get writing, for assignments due the week after. Kriz is coming to camp and we're gonna be all creative! Yay! A benefit of being in a cabin for two days with people who can't flee efficiently is that there's heaps of critics that'll be honest about your work xD Oh! And maybe I'll be able to get one of the drivers/locals to take a few of us to Sunny Ridge Strawberry farm for a little while! That'd be awesome, and perfect timing too, as strawberry harvesting ends in April and won't occur again til November...
Last comment about of the juuhito intended to come along (which would've been particularly nifty...seeing as there'll be the opportunity to get said juuhito a little tipsy...*stops typing for a moment a grins perversely*...lolol...) but alas has been too busy to be able to sign up, and now sign ups have ended unless in special (read 'able to provide transport') circumstances. I'm hoping for two things; that the juuhito is able to provide transportation for himself, and also that Celiney can work on Jimmy enough to let him come regardless >.> *whistles casually* Both being kinda flimsy hopes T.T *sigh of longing and defeat*

But no, can't have negative thoughts, can I? It'll be a great experience, and on top of that there are several days in a year where people shouldn't allow themselves to get dpressed: religious holidays, public holidays, educational holidays, and birthdays. Seeing as all of those are fast approaching, I need to stay positive...ganbatteimasu...

Heh, done with writing a long overdue update blog. Cannae tink of anytin' else to write, t' be 'onest... To assignments away >.>

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Yes, minna, as you can see, Phe has recently popped the Japanese IME on his current pewter. Yay! No more squares or strange symbols that are unreadable ^_^ Now to hurry up and buy a video card so I can get around to playing multiplayer Oblivion...

So, onto the blog! Yes, my weekend...starting tomorrow/Friday, went from being practically empty to being almost full! Overnight!
Friday morning I'm getting up early to head out to uni so that the members of Mokuani Dantai can practice the dances we're performing later in the day for a few hours before making our way to Melbourne High School. Yeah, we're dancing there. Yes, I'm scared shitless dancing in front of an all guys school (not the same as dancing at Manifest; at least there, they were all otaku. Apparently former year twelves have been invited to this thing T.T*hides*). But at least I'm not Hare sensei I s'pose, who will be dancing at his old school, and he's expecting some of his old teachers to be there watching xD. I felt a little comforted when I found out that we're competing for audience from a few other events; bushfires fundraisers etc. Not as much publicity for baka anime club, but reassuring for me hehe.
Right after that is the all important ichipan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at harajuku =D Awesomes ^_^ I luffles ichipan so much...However there may not be much time for ichipan this time, as pretty soon after dancing I gotta catch a train to get to Lesley's new house =D O.o I wonder if I am first from MCAC to see it? I'd almost feel special, if there were cake involved lol. Following this, gotta kill a couple of hours until Lesley's farewell (in a sense; she ain't leaving our lives if we have anything to say about it at least lol :P) dinner at La Porchetta's in Clayton. Weeee! Despite the short notice, a good handful of people are actually attending ^_^ *glances at Zac and high fives* success!

Saturday I had intended to spend in the city at a LAN cafe and then a Mongolian restaurant for a friend's bday, however, it is also my mother's birthday, and her request was for us all to be home (along with much guitar hero playing...she loves the drums xD). Mum trumps least on her birthday lol. However, Sunday I AM going back into the city =D Heading in with Laury, meeting up with Tiffy, the panda hat giver, for Ichipan, and then meeting peoples at Flinder's Street station to go to the Osaka Twilight Festival. I might finally be getting a yukata! That concept fills me with much happiness :P Also, considering ordering a calligraphy scroll too...but I can't for the life of me think of what I want on it T.T Minna, help me in that regard xD At least I have time to decide on that, because I plan to order online later in the year. The yukata >.> anyone got any suggestions? Any colour/pattern that might stand out well for Phe? And no, they prolly dun have pandas xD
*looks at the time* I should have been a sleep an hour or so ago if I wanted to be able to function tomorrow...oh well, let's see how THAT goes then, ne? xD

Bye all!

@Celiney: *hugs* Yes! We can make it! Perseverence! And I'll promise to remember the wall scrolls! They're hanging up in my room...not like I can forget xD
@Zac: There ya go, this one is shorter :P My friend is definitely gonna join MCAC hehe. Pretty sure she has no choice even if she didn't wanna ^_^ If she seems a little lost about the Rmit campus/es, I'll let ya know, thanks =D Also, you say there should be quite a few cosplays I can some? xD

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Assorted transpirings

Sigh. I apologise here and now, minna, for my lack of frequent blogging. It's just that I can never think of much if anything to write about, or nothing interesting has happened 'round here, or worst of all, I don't feel like typing...
At least when uni picks up again (only a few more weeks, people! *cheer*) I'll either be too busy to blog and will therefore forget about it, or will have stuffs to comment on =D That's a win-win situation...

Okay, first thing to pop into muh head is the purikura outing! Lesley, Zac and I headed into the city together Monday morning. Of course, as always happens when I go to melbourne Central, we had ichipan at Harajuku (notice that one I call the food, and the other the store...ICHIPAN loyalism!) and I was thrilled (after stumbling over my order..."Can I please get a cheeseburg...Huh? I dun want a cheeseburger. Silly me. What I meant to say was cheesecake deluxe!" >.<) to find that I was customer number 1 for the day. Meaning Lesley and Zac were 2 and 3 =D I kept our receipts for the memory lol (not as strange as you might think...I have a collection of the different Sunny Ridge Strawberry Farm napkins as they have changed over the years I have been visiting >.>) and the ichipan was good!(...and filling, somehow unlike most times, ALL of us were barely hungry when lunch came around). Following the dessert, we went browsing through anime/DVD/plushie stores. At the first one Zac spotted a maid outfit that Lesley needs to wear at least once this year if she knows what's goodfor her lol, at another Zac bought a Totoro, and Lesley got a punnet of strawberries from another xD And at Duchess (yes, the place is as girly as the name suggests...they sold bags and plushies...>.>), which we entered mainly coz on a tram I saw an awesome panda through the window, I discovered a reason to return there when I have moneyz (prolly birthday...), that reason being...well...that awesome panda xD
We eventually met Kriz and Halfling at Melby central after spending a good amount of time at Borders (I read volume 14 of MAR Heaven, and wow, I may just have to read all the prior ones to find out why one of the charries is dead -_-;;...but at least it isn't Nanashi, who is as awesome as evarrr), and we went for purikura kyaaaaa~ It was my first time at puri, and I am particularly glad it was with these guys, and also my beloved panda hat ^_____^ Makes me feel a little special!
Oh, and the last bit of important news regarding the outing is that Halfling now has a Yoshi xD

Other than the puri outing, and a few other days where I've spent time with assorted people (such as Zac's attempt at LAN gaming xD had fun, and even got a new game out of it too =D), I've really just spent the past several days/couple of weeks lounging around on this new pewter my sis' bf gave to me. It was made in this century! It plays games without lagging! (On LAN at is another story, but can't be helped) This means I have gotten more acquainted with Dota, Warhammer 40k (which I would only ever limit myself to playing the RTS...the roleplaying system sucks...), and I've been playing old games like Diablo 2 via Hamachi a fair bit also ^_^

Waaaaaaaa! With uni starting up again soon, people I have missed seeing over the holidays (or for far longer periods) are soon to be flocking back to Melby, returning HOME =D I can't wait. So many international students within the Anime club for example, (if I mention one, I will feel obligated to mention all, and I will undoubtedly forget T>T so) >insert your name here if you are a MCAC regular, currently out of the country. rabu rabu<3<, and of course Tiffeh will be making her mark on Viccy soon enough also ^^ Tiffeh/Tiffy/Tiffles/Froggy/Tiffany is a friend who I met via GaiaOnline. Two important facts about her: she is the one who gave me my panda hat, and she is going to be studying at RMIT =D Can't wait hehe! She is one of the few people I know who I will tell absolutely everything to, and although we dun speak too often (the semi regular msn convo, and the incredibly rare phone call...btw, Tiff, if you've taken the time to read my blog, then let me assure you that I only dun call you because I am at war with phones...face to face or text based convo for the win...the former more so *gluff [3*) just seeing her pop online is enough to know that she is there to glomp me when needed/wanted, and we get along just fine even when it's been ages since we've chatted. I luffle those kinds of relationships, because I've only ever had like, two of those (including this one), whereas I have had far too many painful endings of friendships because the lines of communication flicker and die.

With O-Week on the way, I have needed to start thinking about getting back into 'uni form' (sounds almost like either professional athletics training, or a Sailor Moon-esque transformation xD); sleep patterns so I dun have bloodshot eyes anymore, eating habits (nowhere near as big an issue), and of course, taking PT regularly again T>T Well, I should be spending a good deal of time at uni during O-week, because as first year rep for MURP (Roleplaying club) I need to help out and man our probably incredibly boring stall (seriously...they didn't even TRY during the second semester far as I recall, it was a table with a whole bunch of dice on it...I decided to run up to our locker and grab the more popular game books so we at least had SOMETHING, but come on...kinda pathetic), and at any time I ain't needed there, ushering people near the MCAC (anime club) stall (...btw, I have a handful of Wall scrolls, if'n you need some to hang up...the only ones you'd want would the Cloud, or the leon, or the Yuna though...) and persuading them into joining up into the family :P I get along with MCAC people so much better (heh, kinda obvious, seeing as I spend every moment not in a class or borrowing a book with them when I am at uni, compared to Thursday nights with MURP), and I want to become more active within the anime club, although I only want to have a committee position at MURP XD (*crosses fingers* Hopefully the new librarian... HOPEFULLY!) Speaking of Thursday nights at MURP, I am really wondering what game I'll be playing this semester (...year? Last year we played a game that continued through til Christmas...), mainly because last year's game can keep continuing...despite the fact all PCs are now pretty much uber, so we can't really progress much further...but I will miss my Frost elf High Priest when it is decided to let that party's journey rest...(I luffle playing elves...their psyche is so incredibly interesting...yes, I do have an elf fetish...) I haven't heard any word of it for several months, but I am possibly playing a Morrowind game this sem (assuming it runs, I'll be a Bosmer with a Scrib familiar named Weevil...), and the possibility of some of the former Warhammer players leaving for other games doesn't speak well for its longevity...but, we should go out and explore other roleplaying systems, yes? Even though Warhammer is my favourite system that I have yet encountered? *Yelp* I dunno what'll happen...and I think there will be some sadness either way.
Enough lamenting. Something happy and club related...the Dantai! =D Apparently I am head of the Mokuani Dantai (Anime club's dance troupe...although, not really the Anime club's...we just sprung out of some of its members, and perform anime related dances...) alongside Halfling (I've found so far that authority is falling a little more on me...*shoves it back in Halfling's direction* You have just as much say as I do, ya know!). We have selected a tentative lineup for this year's dances at Manfiest, but to be honest, at least one of them is probably too complex to spend time learning...and of course, we are still on the lookout for more dances (new HHY, anyone?) and of course more danceRs. We have several enthusiastic members carrying on from last year, but I fear that not enough people will learn enough dances in time to the standard Hare sensei instilled in us last that a normal fear? Having this responsibility makes this a natural worry? I think I'm going to be VERY tired by the end of the year. Especially considering that other than the things already mentioned that will be keeping me busy/stressed (wait...I mentioned uni is starting up, but not that I'll be taking subjects lol xD yes, I will be xP) I have also made it my goal to attempt to get all MCAC members to cosplay at Amaranth and/or Manifest this year...sigh...dunno how that'll work out...I have yet to select my Manifest cosplay (Amaranth I intend to go as a formal panda) and people are inherently hesitant to my persuasive/demanding pleas...seriously, both events are so incredibly fun if you cosplay...only mildly fun if you don't T>T That these two events are happening a month earlier this year means I have even less time to try and realise my goal...can anyone help? *Sad, whimpering, qivering bottom lip*


I had also intended to pop in a sentence or so about how I think arson in this country should be charged as our worst crime aside treason, but I am now finally sleepy hour or so of slow typing? Boku no heya e itteiru yo...

Minna, oyasumi nasai!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The once in a while post

Hey, minna. Yeah, haven't written much lately, I know, I know. There hasn't however been much for me to write about that involves me, and I've been distracted by reading a five part ebook series called "Heaven Sent"...yaoi rock band stories. I'm kinda upset actually that I finished them, which tends to happen whenever I finish a a good/enjoyable book or saga. Yet thankfully, I am not as sad as I normally am; a more acceptable ending perhaps? Or was it that now the various couples had been through their struggles, and had all that steamy sex to boot, there doesn't seem to be much left to tell about them? Sigh.

Which brings me on to another, related topic, one I am still not certain about within myself. Over the past few months, I have come to enjoy reading yaoi (been asked 'Why?' by a handful of people now, and given them the same answer 'More interesting than yuri, and it is easier to relate to male characters seeing as I am a guy myself >.>') and it has had me pondering too. Throughout high school, I was one of those guys whose inner circle were pretty much all girls, so hearing the word 'Gay' said behind my back or as an insult to my face wasn't exactly infrequent. Hell, I got asked prolly at least twice a year (predominantly by the same 'friend' who apparently just wouldn't accept that there are more than just two molds of males: straight/typical or gay/eccentric/unusual. They always went together). It hurt a lot to be labelled as such when I never once displayed any desire or attraction for males, and I am one to adamantly believe that you should get what you deserve. Did I deserve to be assumed to be gay because I didn't like sport and got along talking with girls better than the drop kicks at my school? As far as my memory of my behaviour goes, the answer is no.
Over this past year at uni, I truly think that I have acquired more self-knowledge than in the six years prior combined. Having a lot of time to think to yourself does have an impact. Not hearing people call you something you believe you're not behind your back helps a damn lot too. So, with the capacity to reason things out without having a status dumped on me without my assent, when I began wading into the shallows of the realm of yaoi, I came to the realisation that I do find guys attractive. I find girls attractive too, but it is the former that was the breakthrough in my mentality (seeing as I already knew I like women hehe).
Phe's current opinion: I shouldn't ignore the possibility of finding a loving partner because of their gender.
Heh, it seems that with all the political correctness and equal rights that pervades the modern world, I have arrived at the perfect, politically correct statement, yes? Well, it seems like a particularly amiable view in my eyes, especially seeing as in effect it means I am not limiting myself to one half (ish) of the population :P...maybe there's a chance of true love after all! xD I think I had read in an article somewhere that one should try and avoid all labels, at least until they are about 21/22, when they have enough experience and knowledge to know what(and who =3) they want. I think I rather like that. Oh, and I'll state right here that if I ever change my mind, and that change makes me conclude that men are more attractive, I promise to give Tom-sempai a good seat when I 'come out', so he can amuse himself xP




I am sure there was something else I planned to talk about... *Think* *Think* *Eats from a jar of Hunny* *Lght bulb appears and then smashes into tiny, rather sharp pieces* Eh, oh well. Mata ne, minna!

Monday, January 12, 2009

>Insert topic here<

Heh, it's 1AM and I want sleep but don't feel that in my current state of awareness I can succeed at any attempt... So, why not type a blog that has no predetermined theme or issue to help me along to my (usually oh so sweet but hard to remember afterwards) dreams?

Not much has been happening in the life of Phe lately; spent Thursday with Kriz, eating chocolate, reading books that we purchased on a mini splurge (I now own my first proper book on weapons throughout the ages, which whilst occasionally providing info I didn't already know, has some pretty as well as intimidating images *points at the 'Flail with quoits' or 'Cumberjung', making a comment at how it looks like a simple stick with razor sharp hacky sacks attached at either end by rope* ^^), and talking about things and people in general, along with the ever intriguing issue of the nature of an individual. It seems that whenever I have a chat with Kriz I learn a lot more about various people; she's incredibly observant and insightful :3
I dun remember Friday...oh wait, yes I do! Hare sensei, Adele and I met up at uni and got some dance practice done (I now know most of the Caramell Dansen original routine moves. YAY!). Afterwards, heading towards the bus loop, Sensei and I went to building 54 (...64? Gah, I dun be 'membering) and after he filled his bottle, Sensei offered to buy me a drink from the vending machine...was short of the correct change by about forty cents...and by happenstance when I got home that arvo I located 45 cents in my jeans pocket...>.< I hate it when that kind of thing happens! Oh well hehe.
Saturday night, I went with my parents and brother to visit some family friends in Cranbourne...I only went because I am lazy about getting dinner for myself, and I also wanted to see the Dark Knight (we decided afterwards that a new category of award should come into existence "Best Antagonist"...Heath was pretty damn good. You just can't hate a villain as well portrayed as that!). I happen to hate going to that house...they have a disgusting Boxer and a right little bitch of a Jack Russell (sp?) too (Normally okay breeds, but both have the run of the house and have always been flea-ridden...I always feel the need to shower after leaving that place, and wouldn't you know how un-itchy I feel after that relaxing, running water?). You may have just noticed I speak of the latter with marked distaste. This is because the friends we visited have recently acquired a fluffy black kitten (that doesn't scratch me as much as other neko-chans like to...including the one named after me xD. This cute little kitty happens to actually like being next to me hehe) that kept getting stepped on or attacked/harassed by the maniacal Jack Russell, and one of its owners is hardly any better...Thankfully I know that the other one is looking out for the kitten, because whenever she can reach the black ball of fur she whisks it away to safety ^_^.
And today...'today' being yesterday/Sunday... I pretty much did jack all. Pop some lazy gaming, reading, posting, and movie watching into a blender, stick it on the highest speed (the unsafe one xP) and drink the juices and that's pretty much it really... Tomorrow/Monday I plan to read some of the Volsunga Saga (translated o'course. I haven't learned much Icelandic, and certainly not enough to comprehend an entire literary piece) and watch several Strawberry Panic episodes, the latter because I have come to believe that by paying attention to Yaoi, I have accidentally excluded Yuri, and should at least give it a chance... We'll see how that goes, eh?

:O It took me half an hour to write that...kinda disappointed, but at least my eyes are now about one millimetre more closed *crosses fingers and wishes for luck* Night people!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


So, according to chronological records, and all the fireworks that occurred, we are now in the year 2009...
Aside from not being a fan of fireworks (apparently I am about the only one >.>, I don't think I've ever felt New Year's Eve to be all that spiffy a celebration or holiday. Okay, so a new year has begun, but does that actually mean anything has changed other than the time? It's as though we believe a change happens after that fateful and loud countdown, giving new chances and opportunities, fresh starts and shedding of mistakes. However, is that not simply a cognitive desire for the things to change for the better that is magnified? As far as I can tell, there isn't anything actually special or extraordinary that eventuates at the start of a new's not like fairies go flitting about spreading magical dust, eh?

As you've most likely surmised by now, I have:
1) never thought much of New Year's resolutions, thinking that the majority of them fail or are forgotten anyway, and if we want to improve our lives, we shouldn't wait until the start of a new year to acquire the initiative (is it merely time keeping? Having a resolution means you gotta complete/achieve it by the next year, so it does give a deadline at least...)
2) never had any significant memories of New Year's Eve. As of the last decade or so, I think it has always been spent here at home, with a family friend (whom I don't particularly like) and his family over... I s'pose looking back on that sentence I must sound deprived or something. Oh well *shrugs*

Meh, the New Year has begun, so I might as well pop the talk of it out of sight and mind. I have two more things to briefly mention in this post, and then I can go to bed ^^,
The first is that I finally did something about the results of the poll. Alas, unlike other sites (Gaia being the first one sticking to mind), I can't customise the page layout anywhere near as much as I'd like, and so I promise to change the panda pic in the title occasionally xD
The second thing is that yes, I am completely aware that the fanfic is taking far too long to write...I will try to spend more time on it so it gets finished sooner rather than never ^_^ For the limited few of you who know a teeny bit about it, the second Kakashi has just entered the scene x3

Mata ne minna!