Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hajimemashou ka?

Well, well, well. The inaugural post of a blog written by Phe of all things (intended use of that word, btw)...

Well, may we wish this blog luck; I intend, as most bloggers do when they sign up and create a blog, to post regularly or at the very least semi-regularly. Only time will tell if this newest mind child will survive, but hopefully this merely means I have to go out and make my life interesting enough to write about so that I always have inspiration, ne? Hey, I can always fantasise =D

It strikes me as the non-amusing manner, of course...that everyone is creating blogs like crazy these days; in this past week alone I have begun reading four friends' new blogs. Kinda makes me worry about this blog, seeing as I am not heading anywhere for Chrissy, and live a fairly sedentary lifestyle. :O Maybe that means I will ponder more metaphysical issues in my posts than recounting boring and irrelevant events???? Meh, we can only hope ^_^


  1. Without boring and irrelevant events there would be no blogs!

  2. You are indeed correct, you have me there :P However, I still felt I needed to say that, because I can't tolerate pointless conversations, which is why I am frequently silent instead of initiating conversation about some bland topic. Same as blogs, but oh well, that is, as you have pointed out, their purpose *sigh*
